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SMAK is a recognized food festival held in the centre of Tromsø in September.

About the festival

SMAK, the Northern Norwegian food festival, was established by Kokkenes Mersterlaug Troms in 2013 to raise awareness and knowledge about the culinary profession. It also aims to boost recruitment to the culinary education by promoting local food and cooking traditions, culinary arts, as well as local food manufacturers from Northern Norway.

The aim of SMAK is to be an active part in recruiting the youth to the culinary education/profession.

We will also be contributing with activities, classes/courses, education, festivals, and meeting places for an audience interested in food. This also includes manufacturers, wholesalers, retail merchants, eateries, chefs, and any other related businesses.

Here you can find products and culinary traditions from Northern Norway.


  • Held for the first time in September 2013
  • The festival is a yearly arrangement which takes place in Tromsø during week 38, Friday and Saturday.
  • Approximately 70 000 visitors
  • Approcimately 85 individual exhibitors

Said about SMAK Nordnorsk Matfestival

  • «An excellent arena for sales and discussion. »
  • «Offers direct contact with/between costumers/consumers and producer/exhibitors. New big clients are taking notice of our products, and sales/profits are covering our costs. »
  • «Provides a great opportunity to meet the customers face to face. We also get to meet other exhibitors and colleagues. »
  • «A beautiful arrangement where we feel at home. It’s a fantastic opportunity for us as a business to promote our products and let as many people as possible get a taste. »
  • «Bustling crowds with a genuine interest in local food products. We see a noticeable increase in sales. Selling cloudberries in Finnmark and Troms is, as expected, difficult, although our stand did quite well. »
  • «Not many sales at our stand, but much traffic in the store over the two days. We worked hard to get people to visit the store, and it was packed! »
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